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Welcome Back Berlyne

Berlyne Bien-Aime first joined working with GOALS in 2014 as an English language teacher and she branched out to teaching literacy and sexual health education. She left in 2015 to pursue further education and was recently hired back as our new Impact Coordinator. She will be working on program documentation, monitoring and evaluation and impact learning.

When she returned to work with us she was surprised to see that the kids never forgot her and even the younger kids had heard of her and were excited of her return. She was also surprised by the growth of the organization and happy to see that kids she had once taught in our program are now employed by GOALS as coaches and teachers.

There has been a lot of progress in GOALS since I was last employed here. I can see the growth as there has been more support, with more staff, and additional programs. Education is what makes a nation rise. And the importance of the programs is total in the communities and the lives of the kids. It gives me great pleasure to be a part of this work again and see the kids learning to believe in themselves and become more confident. The programs are important because they build character, emotional intelligence, and curiosity. It helps them to develop their self-esteem.

When I first joined GOALS there were issues of teen pregnancy in the communities and that has all but been eliminated through education and youth engagement. That is the capacity that helps them grow and helps their community with positive impact.

I feel happy about this opportunity and it feels like I am back home.”