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GOALS Awarded Beyond Sport's Best New Project Award in London

Our scholarship students and soccer players at Destra

GOALS is honored to announce that it has received the Best New Project Award at the Beyond Sport Summit in London, England! GOALS was recognized for its success in mobilizing communities to improve lives in the areas of  health, environment, public sanitation and youth leadership.

Beyond Sport is a global organization that promotes, develops and supports the use of sport to create positive social change around the world. The Beyond Sport Award will provide a package of funding and business support to our programs in Haiti, allowing us to improve our impact and reach more children.

The award was presented to GOALS Haiti Program Officer Jolinda Hackett by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Click here to watch a short interview with Jolinda on what this award means to us, and the great impact it will have on GOALS' programs!

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GOALS needs your support to provide our players in Haiti with much-needed materials, clean water, and food. To help us reach our goal of $4,000 please donate to our Indiegogo campaign. Every little bit helps!