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Make Dreams Come True: GOALS' scholarship campaign kicks off

It's safe to say that in Haiti, there are few things more important than education. Children in our program sites regularly walk for over an hour to go to school. Students can usually only afford one uniform, and this they must wash daily when they return home, letting it dry overnight. Children study at night by candlelight, and parents make endless sacrifices to help them continue in school as long as possible. The passion and dedication that these youth have for learning is truly incredible.

A year's worth of school fees is approximately $300, which includes all tuition, material, uniform, and meal costs. To most foreigners, this seems like a reasonable cost, but the fact is that this is simply unaffordable for many of the families that GOALS works with. 

Last year, GOALS provided ten of its Dream Team leaders with scholarships based on the students' academic and community service records. This year, thanks to volunteer extraordinaire, Jovan Julien, we are seeking to triple this amount and raise enough money to send 30 of these teenagers to school this fall. 

Want to learn more about these students?
Check out the great National Dream Team website that Jovan set up, which profiles two new scholarship candidates each week and showcases their own photos and stories. 

Ready to donate?
Please visit our fundraising campaign at Crowdrise to make your contribution. All donations are tax deductible.

Every single donation counts!
Our goal is to have as many GOALS supporters participate as possible. Please consider donating anywhere from $5 - the cost of a morning latte - to supporting a Dream Team leader's education in full for the upcoming year. Click here to donate.

These young men and women are extraordinary, and consistently demonstrate their commitment to community service and leadership on the field and off it. Please help us invest in their futures in any way that you can. 

Thank you!

Dream Team scholarship recipients, 2010

"It gives me membership of something bigger and greater than myself. Not only am I a part of something bigger I also know that I am helping to change my life and the lives of those in my community for the better."

- Sendue Ferdinand, on being a Dream Team leader