"With all the complex factors presenting obstacles to Haiti's development - now and throughout recent history - locally-run and innovative organizations like GOALS Haiti feel essential to the country's next steps."
— NORA DOOLEY, Sport for Development Leader
Current Partners
adidas Foundation
We are excited to share that we are part of the newly founded United by Sport program. A partnership with the adidas Foundation which is supporting our work using sport to promote inclusion, equality and systemic change.
Read more about our partnership.
We are grateful to the UEFA Foundation for their support of our sport-for-development programs focusing on football, education and community service. It is designed to develop leadership skills, spark change, and promote equality.
Read more about our partnership
Laureus sport for good Foundation
As part of the Play Academy we are increasing access to sport for girls. A partnership through the Laureus Foundation and Naomi Osaka the project is focused on Japan, Haiti and Los Angeles.
Read more about our partnership
Building Goodness Foundation
We are pleased to partner with the Building Goodness Foundation to support construction projects in the village of Destra.
Read more about our partnership
Common goal (formerly Streetfootballworld Network)
We are a proud member of the Common Goal network which supports organizations worldwide that use football as a tool to empower disadvantaged young people by engaging private and public partners to create social change.
4Ocean is our recycling partner. Our teams are collecting plastic bottles and doing beach clean up then 4Ocean picks up the bagged plastic from our local communities and transports it to their recycling center in PAP. This is critical work we are doing together for climate action.
Haiti Reforestation - Codep
We are partnering with Codep on tree planting in remote rural Haiti. Reforestation is an important part of environmental protection and we are training local leaders on best practices to ensure tree survival for the next generation.
Haiti Takes root - ayiti vet
We are partnering with Haiti takes Root as part of a coalition on reforestation and environmental protection in Haiti.
Read more about our partnership
international medical response - imr
We are partnering with IMR in remote rural Haiti to bring quality medical care to those left behind. This ongoing partnership will focus on medical clinics and rural health agent training.
Read more about our partnership
Feed My Starving Children
Thank you to FMSC for donating nutritional support for our programs.
Seattle youth soccer association
Past Partners
Child Survival Fund
The Child Survival Fund supported our Dream Team Scholarship Program which provides scholarships and intensive leadership training for 27 young adults.
The Viola Foundation
The Voila Foundation supported GOALS’ educational activities, which you can read more about here.
Waves of Water
Waves for Water provided clean drinking water to our thirsty players with Nike’s Game Changer kits. For more information on this collaboration read our blog post Play Soccer, Drink Clean Water.
BoulderShares is a Colorado organization led by Leslie Sosnowski that has helped coordinate support from Boulder County Force, American Airlines, and Crocs to benefit GOALS players and communities.
Foutbol pou Lavi
Foutbol pou Lavi was created by Mercy Corps and Partners In Health. It trained senior GOALS staff and alumni to educate youth and communities about preventing HIV/AIDS.
The Delaney Bay Fund
The Delaney Bay Fund donated professional medical care to our players and staff at their Klinik Kominote, and provided advice to guide our health programs and public seminars.