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GOALS' Annual Report 2014 - 2015

Sifting through our favorite photos and reviewing GOALS' accomplishments and impact to produce our Annual Report each year is always uplifting and inspiring. And, with the help of our volunteers, our reports are both beautiful to read and equally effective at sharing the GOALS story of how our soccer programs develop local leadership and transform rural Haitian communities.

With two new programs launched this year (the the 'Boul'anjri' Community Bakery to feed our hungry soccer players, and literacy classes for GOALS' parents), we had to leave out a few of our other favorite accomplishments (such as recycling almost 4000 plastic bottles!).

GOALS' 2014 - 2015 Annual Report is below and you can view a larger PDF version here.
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A huge thank you to our immensely talented volunteer designer Sally Limb in San Francisco! If you're interested in learning more about GOALS' revenue and expenses, our complete financial statement can be viewed here.