All hands in. We stand in solidarity.
January 12 marked the 10-year anniversary of the devastating 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. As Haitian writer Edwidge Danticat wrote "...sometimes anniversaries hurt. You feel them in inexplicable aches in your body, or in a general unease that you keep trying to shake until you realize, yes, it is that time of year. Again."
We were all touched by tragic loss not only that day but in the wake of such destruction. And unfortunately, the rebuilding has been slow and much of the promised international aid just did not materialize for a variety of reasons.
2020 also marks the 10-year anniversary for GOALS Haiti. We were founded on the idea that through the power of sport we could engage youth for their health and wellbeing while working to create long term positive change. This year we will be highlighting our progress and impact while celebrating with our communities that we stand in solidarity with.
Our dear Founder Kona has these thoughts to share; “As GOALS celebrates its 10-year anniversary in 2020, we are also remembering the pain and aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. I will never forget what Leogane looked like after the earthquake. Almost every building was left in rubble, and everyone you saw had lost family and friends—sometimes all of them. Some of the children I had met on my first trip in 2007 had died. In the evenings I watched as children played soccer in the streets, finding a moment of joy and relief from post-disaster life of tent shelters and grief. GOALS has always been about long-term development rather than disaster relief, but the 2010 earthquake has been an essential reason why our extended team works so hard at creating a better future for the children and families in Haiti.”
When I first went to Haiti as a Peace Corps volunteer in 2002 the Country Director told us we may never see the impact of what we do but to know that by being there we are making a difference. It taught me that the effort of true community development based on trust in local partners, mutual respect and good communication takes commitment and it is what we focus on.
Thank you to everyone along the way who has supported and shared our work. As a whole generation of kids who have grown up with GOALS and graduated to go on to help their communities, we see positive signs of change.