A Good Example

We love to share success stories and this one comes from GOALS alum Betina. She is in her final year of nursing school thanks to an ongoing partnership with International Medical Response (IMR). Our Program Director checked in with her to get an update and hear how she is doing.

Betina has been making good progress in her last year of nursing school. Recently she's been taking courses on recognizing people with mental health issues, learning about surgery procedures, pediatrics, maternal health, emergency care, and medical terminology.

Betina is set to graduate this year and so far, one of her short-term goals is to seek employment at a local small hospital in the town of Leogane. As for long-term goals, Betina wants to open a pharmacy in her neighborhood. Health issues are a growing concern in her community and lots of people can't afford or have access to health care, especially medicine. Therefore, Betina's dream is to make a difference in providing affordable medicine to the people in her neighborhood.  

As a senior student, I volunteered to be a peer mentor for incoming nursing students. I provided guidance, support, and resources to help them transition into the program smoothly. I organized study groups, shared study tips, and offered one-on-one support for those who needed extra help.

I'm going to be the first person in my family to have completed all of the formal education in Haiti and now I will be a professional licensed nurse. This example is what I will set for all my next-generation family. Believing in the power of good education can change lives forever. “

Growing up in a remote rural community that did not have a school or any medical facilities motivated Betina to go after her dream of becoming a nurse. She found a community of support with the GOALS program and became a Dream Team scholarship recipient who always kept her community in mind as she pursued her education. She was chosen to be a health monitor agent and received initial training through IMR which was the spark that led to her nursing career. Betina is a good example of youth empowerment in action.